12. Dezember 2009
Musik ueberall, Menschen spriessen aus allen Ecken, genau so hab ich mir das vorgestellt! Schade nur das man nicht weiss wie das eingentliche Kopenhagen darunter aussieht, so ganz ohne die ganzen Massen an Menschen die alle wegen der Klimakonferenz hier sind.
Auf dem weiteren Weg unserer Expedition ging es dann unter die Erde, die uebrigens von Vattenfall gesponsort wird!! Also Siemens, Vattenfall; Coca Cola hat auch Hopenhagen Plakate....
Und zum Abschluss dann doch nochmal meine Lieblingswerbung ;-)
How to become a COP15 member - or not
First, if you want to join the climate conference think about how to get there. Train to Copenhagen, plane to Copenhagen (atmosfair makes your travelling greener).
Second, after you finally made your decision and get to Copenhagen: Don't worry, COP15 volunteers will stand all over the places you go to help you out on finding the right directions. If you travel via train, you will probably find volunteers to show you the way, too.
Third, if you finally made your way to the Bella Center, where the COP15 conference is held, you will need to register. Therefore you need to decide if you are an Observer, Press and Media, United Nations or a Party member. Sometimes, this can be extremly complicated, especially when they cannot find you on any list and you only brought your passport for registration (if you have registered before you get an email, if not DONT EVEN TRY TO GET IN. IT IS TOTALLY OVERLOADED).
Fourth, if they found you, perfect! Either you had a really good preparation for registry or you could stand to wait for four hours (They will try to find you on any list they have, just there is only ONE guyswho does this beyond the scene, one guy for about 10 waiting lines equal about four hours waiting).
IF NOT, congratulations! You are know among all the others, a journalist from L.A., a PHD student from Germany, a group of four girls from Germany, a student from Boston, etc. Feel free to network with the line of 'not registered' people as you like! And take a look at www.klimaforum09.org or www.survivalacadamy.ning.com or any other website that poste side events! Or just join the activists in front of the Bella Center...
Anyhow, Copenhagen is an amazing place to be at right at the moment, to meet poeple from all over the world who are interested in exactly the same subject: how to save the planet. As I said to a couple from Germany on the plane, I expect Copenhagen to be a wild party from young people all around the world with their thoughts, opinions, meanings, ideas and crazy actions. I am glad to be one of them, so I am going out there joining the party!
And even though its SIEMENS who is responsible for this nice picture I am going to post it here to state the meaning it has on it HOPENHAGEN.
Ein Journalist...
11. Dezember 2009
Sherpa Demo in Kopenhagen
paradoxon des praradoxen
ankunft in Kopenhagen
Informationsstaende ueberall! Egal wo man hinkommt, ueberall stehen COP15 Leute rum und helfen einem weiter. An der Metro sind es dann nur noch Metro Mitarbeiter aber immerhin!
Das erste Hopenhagen was mit entgegen schlug. Signed by Siemens...
Und hier seht ihr "mein Office"! Schoene Aussicht ueber den Platz Kongens Nytorv.